• info@allabouttheplace.uk
  • Exeter, Devon, UK

our work

All About The Place

Our Story of enabling tangible, positive impacts on the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

Wide Ranging Engagements

Initiatives created by communities, local authorities, NHS, infrastructure networks and the business sector

Anchor Institution Mapping

Data mapping of anchor institutions for NHS Integrated Care Service areas.

Community Ownership Regeneration Projects

Mapping stakeholders, partnership candidates' resource sources and community beneficiaries.

Public Sector Community Wealth Building

Identifying local suppliers to facilitate a shift towards local and social procurement.

Infrastructure Networks

Evaluating membership candidacy to expand infrastructure network reach and enhance representation development.

Creative Health

Mapping the scope of the creative industry and social impact potential across various health themes to encourage solutions innovation.

Community Placemaking

Enabling local community projects to identify and engage collaboration and resource partners and quantify social impact potential.

Sector Intelligence

Profiling the voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector to identify public sector collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Building social Return on investment (SROI)

A Look At Some of Our Work

A concise visual summary highlighting our diverse informatics services, which support public sector community engagement, collaboration, and local community initiatives through our 'All About the Place' project support services.

What to know more about how we can help?

Tell us about your opportunity and requirements, and we will tell you how we can help

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