• info@allabouttheplace.uk
  • Exeter, Devon, UK

Sociocracy In Collaborative Community Development And Placemaking Projects

Introduction to Sociocracy The need for effective governance in collaborative projects, especially those focused on placemaking, cannot be overstated. Sociocracy is emerging as a new project governance method due to its emphasis on collaboration, transparency, and adaptability. Unlike traditional top-down approaches to project governance, sociocracy promotes distributed decision-making and self-organisation, empowering teams to decide collectively based on consent rather than…

Our Benevolent Society

Society’s remarkable generosity deserves a more comprehensive evaluation to gauge the outcomes of investments in well-being development accurately. Such an assessment would foster a systemic shift away from the unsustainable fixation on GDP and economic growth. Recently, Liz Truss voiced concerns about the expanding size of the state in both the US and the UK, cautioning against the emergence of…

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